
It’s frustrating that months have passed, and I am yet to publish any articles for any of my blog series. There are several reasons for this, and maybe these will be revealed in articles I will come to publish in time. I’m not going to place a timescale or schedule on any publications, but it will happen ultimately because of what this blog means to me. Here I have the space to freely express and share the wild ebb and flow that makes me feel alive, that makes me drBACKPACK, and I am excited about what this creative space will conjure.

I have decided to begin posting albums of countless adventures and encounters that will form the articles I will come to publish in this blog. The following is a link to my Flickr account: I will also share albums that won’t necessarily lead to blog articles. If you’re someone who doesn’t like scouring through scores of photos, then don’t fret, as I have been selective within the albums I have eventually posted. I have tried to give impetus to quality over quantity. Enjoy!

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