
‘the element of discovery’


I will most likely rewrite + reboot these sections, keep it concise but combine all the themes + key points into 1

May have sub-sections about AONBs, National Parks, etc. or may just release separate articles about them….I’ll have to see

Maybe if I have areas where I’ve been, then name the NPs, AONBs, Towns, Cities, etc. Have a UK section, then everywhere else overseas

For as long as I can remember, I have harboured an ardent and searing curiosity about the whole world. I continue to be fascinated about the diverse ways of living and creating at all scales of living, and long to contribute to life in a humble, caring, compassionate, respectful and empowering manner. To make a positive change and difference. Yet just to be present to witness and experience life in a different part of the world is a huge blessing I appreciate to the full when given the opportunity.

I have completed two degrees in the social and political sciences so far, and both have looked at various issues, topics and debates on an international scale. Yet when travelling overseas, I realise that despite all my research and study, I know very little about the big, wide world around me, particularly the everyday lives of everyday people.

I realise that despite all my research and study, I know very little about the big, wide world around me

I am therefore determined to visit every country in the world over time. I want to discover, explore, and allow my environs to enrich and change me, to spur my imagination and evolution, and give me stimulus – wonder, fascination, learning, surprise, thrills, excitement, emotions, fun! And if I can give back in a manner reflecting the ambitions I have always fostered, then even better.

Eckert IV map projection of the world

2017 was a breakthrough year for me, as I embarked on many trips beyond the UK, dwarfing the number of journeys I had made in years that had passed. I am excited to share all these journeys, and look forward to sharing those that lie in my future.

I will soon be publishing blog articles about the following #OVERSEAS trips:

  • Berlin (Germany)
  • Barcelona (Spain)
  • Iceland (South-West) – So beautiful it made me want to cry
  • Dublin + Wicklow (Ireland)
  • Rome (Italy)
  • Lisbon + Sintra (Portugal)
  • Granada (Spain)
  • Sevilla (Spain)
  • İstanbul (Turkey)