Clean Slate

Wow, so many ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, challenges, right now to discuss + share. I’ve completely torn up things in the last few hours/days, done things I would never usually do at all. It’s caused me much hurt + grief, yet also taught me so much more about myself that I feel hugely grateful for the pain. All the matters now is what I do with it, and there’s so much that intend. It’s just a matter of making it happen. A lot of my intentions involve this blog, my website, my platform to express, my license to share. So all I can say, like I did all those years ago when I started this thing, is WATCH THIS SPACE!

I don’t know if many, or if anyone, actually reads this stuff. It’s not popular, I’m not popular. I don’t have people who foster a deep interest + appreciation of what I am + do. But I don’t care about that, because I care about me. I do this for me, the past, present + future me. It’s great to have a space where I can put all this and one day I’ll look back and be like, WOW, awesome, look how much I’ve evolved. Look at where I was, check out who I am now. Did I even envisage that?

One day, of course, I hope I do have people in my life to share a deep interest + appreciation in all that I am, but for now I’ll continue to do that for myself. So let’s see how things evolve. In the meantime, next up is the rest of the articles from my DALES to LAKES trip, followed by Living the Lakes. After that, anything is possible.

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