Yes, it’s about that time! #go4it #iaintplaying #lookWITHIN #reDISCOVER #beFREE #ownBOSS

Haha, all the hashtags!

I’m excited! Why? Because I’ve made huge decisions + moves recently, following my gut that’s been blaring at me repeatedly, in different waves, forms, tones, probably for quite a while now! It just took me a while to figure out what it all means, and how to act upon all this.

What does this mean? I wrote about having a Clean Slate a few months ago, but this is actually it, right HERE, RIGHT NOW. I’m in the process of a full reset, deep reflection + restructure. On every aspect of my life. How exciting!

Get to it Wass! Ah, alright, OK, enough waffle! So it starts here, with what I’m now going to call ‘My Platform’. It’s not a website, it’s not a blog, but a PLATFORM. I’m going to break down what this means in the coming days, and I’m going to reformat the whole setup.

But at the core of it is freedom. I’m unleashing, unshackling, tearing up the boundaries and buckles and sharing more, more, and more. My time + energy is finally going to EMBRACING all that I AM. No more looking elsewhere to get another building block, title, accreditation, ticket, registration, experience, approval, etc. NO. It’s all within. I have the ingredients. It’s time I bring them together and make things happen. Let’s get cooking 😉

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