Filters (for life)

THE SOCIAL Call it nature, call it nurture, or an interplay of both, but we all behave differently around different people, in different spaces + places. To what extent and how varies between individuals. Why do we do this? Mobility. Now there are many definitions and typologies of mobility, but I'm going to frame it … Continue reading Filters (for life)

Emergency Services Mental Health Symposium 2022

OVERVIEW I signed up for this symposium as I was curious. Conversations around the mental health and ‘wellbeing’ of staff have grown in recent years, but what do these involve? What do these concepts mean amongst the emergency services? What issues and challenges have been identified? What is being done to address them? Moreover, what … Continue reading Emergency Services Mental Health Symposium 2022


H2Mo Hey was hope you good, your probs really busy with studies, so hope your okay, I broke, I broke up with my gf just to let you know, not really in the mood for talking about it but, miss you loads braah salaam 🙂 Wass Life can move fast but we slow down for … Continue reading H2Mo


The Lionesses' Euro 2022 triumph didn't only inspire young girls and women, but also men like me. When I began drafting this piece and filtered through pictures in my mind, I hesitated. Chloe Kelly's epic celebration instantly revolved on repeat. It radiated with incredible and inspiring power + meaning that had me hooked in awe. … Continue reading Lionesses

College of Paramedics National Conference 2022

Last week I presented my own research at a professional conference for the very first time. I have no idea yet about how many people were in attendance. Nevertheless, it was an enthralling experience despite the 'black hole' feeling of presenting virtually. I forgot how much I thrive off public speaking, and I am hungry … Continue reading College of Paramedics National Conference 2022


Yes, it's about that time! #go4it #iaintplaying #lookWITHIN #reDISCOVER #beFREE #ownBOSS Haha, all the hashtags! I'm excited! Why? Because I've made huge decisions + moves recently, following my gut that's been blaring at me repeatedly, in different waves, forms, tones, probably for quite a while now! It just took me a while to figure out … Continue reading REBOOT!


Human encounters evanesce and some feelings are ephemeral Yet the energy you foster and the power in your meaning is eternal I feel it when I stagger + awe at the purity of your presence Time stands still as I smile for a while admiring you touch another soul Brimming with beauty you blew me … Continue reading Butterfly

Living the Lakes, Day 2: wansfell (via troutbeck tongue)

Ah, so it begins! Have you ever come across the concept of tolerance in the context of recreational drugs? Completely random I know, but it's relevant so keep following me through. When someone reaches tolerance of a drug, it no longer has the desired effect and outcome. I dislike what I'm about to say as … Continue reading Living the Lakes, Day 2: wansfell (via troutbeck tongue)