Emergency Services Mental Health Symposium 2022

OVERVIEW I signed up for this symposium as I was curious. Conversations around the mental health and ‘wellbeing’ of staff have grown in recent years, but what do these involve? What do these concepts mean amongst the emergency services? What issues and challenges have been identified? What is being done to address them? Moreover, what … Continue reading Emergency Services Mental Health Symposium 2022

College of Paramedics National Conference 2022

Last week I presented my own research at a professional conference for the very first time. I have no idea yet about how many people were in attendance. Nevertheless, it was an enthralling experience despite the 'black hole' feeling of presenting virtually. I forgot how much I thrive off public speaking, and I am hungry … Continue reading College of Paramedics National Conference 2022

The Dynamics of the Child Soldier Experience

I have several problems with the use of stereotypical images of Black African boys parading AK-47s whenever the term 'Child Soldier' is used in popular discourse. There is a strong likelihood that if you were to enter this term in a search engine such media would appear, along with images of children from the Middle … Continue reading The Dynamics of the Child Soldier Experience