
H2Mo Hey was hope you good, your probs really busy with studies, so hope your okay, I broke, I broke up with my gf just to let you know, not really in the mood for talking about it but, miss you loads braah salaam 🙂 Wass Life can move fast but we slow down for … Continue reading H2Mo

Saying Goodbye

If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell them, people never get the flowers whilst they can still smell themBig Brother, by Kanye West There's so much pain in saying goodbye. The moment the words wheel off your tongue a heavy rung laces your lungs. What just happened? Why do I feel this … Continue reading Saying Goodbye

Living the Lakes, Day 2: wansfell (via troutbeck tongue)

Ah, so it begins! Have you ever come across the concept of tolerance in the context of recreational drugs? Completely random I know, but it's relevant so keep following me through. When someone reaches tolerance of a drug, it no longer has the desired effect and outcome. I dislike what I'm about to say as … Continue reading Living the Lakes, Day 2: wansfell (via troutbeck tongue)