Spring Clean, Summer Cleanse

This was written around September 2023, on the cusp of autumn. For some reason, I didn't feel ready to publish. Something was missing with the article, or myself. With minor tweaks it reads well + is a great reminder of my energy coming into this winter. FOLLOW-UP I initially titled this REBOOT! a year on … Continue reading Spring Clean, Summer Cleanse


The Lionesses' Euro 2022 triumph didn't only inspire young girls and women, but also men like me. When I began drafting this piece and filtered through pictures in my mind, I hesitated. Chloe Kelly's epic celebration instantly revolved on repeat. It radiated with incredible and inspiring power + meaning that had me hooked in awe. … Continue reading Lionesses

East Scotland: Day 0

My relationship with Scotland Intense events + experiences can foster connections flowing with many meanings and memories that shape who we are. My history with Scotland is thus worthy of being deemed a relationship as it continues to fill me with immense ambition + drive, instil me with an evolving sense of purpose + belonging, … Continue reading East Scotland: Day 0


Yes, it's about that time! #go4it #iaintplaying #lookWITHIN #reDISCOVER #beFREE #ownBOSS Haha, all the hashtags! I'm excited! Why? Because I've made huge decisions + moves recently, following my gut that's been blaring at me repeatedly, in different waves, forms, tones, probably for quite a while now! It just took me a while to figure out … Continue reading REBOOT!

Saying Goodbye

If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell them, people never get the flowers whilst they can still smell themBig Brother, by Kanye West There's so much pain in saying goodbye. The moment the words wheel off your tongue a heavy rung laces your lungs. What just happened? Why do I feel this … Continue reading Saying Goodbye


Human encounters evanesce and some feelings are ephemeral Yet the energy you foster and the power in your meaning is eternal I feel it when I stagger + awe at the purity of your presence Time stands still as I smile for a while admiring you touch another soul Brimming with beauty you blew me … Continue reading Butterfly