Emotions in Prehospital Paediatric Care

The first cardiac arrest I attended as a Student Paramedic in my first year was a paediatric cardiac arrest. The experience taught me much about myself, the colleagues I worked with, but more importantly, the sheer power and influence of emotions in healthcare. Why is it that children and young people stir such intense passion … Continue reading Emotions in Prehospital Paediatric Care

Where there is pain, there is love

"When do you suppose babies became so very precious? Are they more valued now because they can survive or do they survive because they are more valued?" Call the Midwife (Season 2, Episode 5; set in 1960) Let that sink in for a moment...... Poplar to Aberfan Now let's surge forward to 21 October 1966 … Continue reading Where there is pain, there is love