Spring Clean, Summer Cleanse

This was written around September 2023, on the cusp of autumn. For some reason, I didn't feel ready to publish. Something was missing with the article, or myself. With minor tweaks it reads well + is a great reminder of my energy coming into this winter. FOLLOW-UP I initially titled this REBOOT! a year on … Continue reading Spring Clean, Summer Cleanse

Saying Goodbye

If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell them, people never get the flowers whilst they can still smell themBig Brother, by Kanye West There's so much pain in saying goodbye. The moment the words wheel off your tongue a heavy rung laces your lungs. What just happened? Why do I feel this … Continue reading Saying Goodbye

The Dynamics of the Child Soldier Experience

I have several problems with the use of stereotypical images of Black African boys parading AK-47s whenever the term 'Child Soldier' is used in popular discourse. There is a strong likelihood that if you were to enter this term in a search engine such media would appear, along with images of children from the Middle … Continue reading The Dynamics of the Child Soldier Experience