Filters (for life)

THE SOCIAL Call it nature, call it nurture, or an interplay of both, but we all behave differently around different people, in different spaces + places. To what extent and how varies between individuals. Why do we do this? Mobility. Now there are many definitions and typologies of mobility, but I'm going to frame it … Continue reading Filters (for life)

Spring Clean, Summer Cleanse

This was written around September 2023, on the cusp of autumn. For some reason, I didn't feel ready to publish. Something was missing with the article, or myself. With minor tweaks it reads well + is a great reminder of my energy coming into this winter. FOLLOW-UP I initially titled this REBOOT! a year on … Continue reading Spring Clean, Summer Cleanse

Check-in: Calais to Eryri

I can't remember the last full weekend I had completely off, to myself, where I was free to do what I liked. I want to reflect, I want to write. So much has happened since I wrote about my stunning stint in CHUB 8 months ago (read more). Despite it being my last entry, I've … Continue reading Check-in: Calais to Eryri


H2Mo Hey was hope you good, your probs really busy with studies, so hope your okay, I broke, I broke up with my gf just to let you know, not really in the mood for talking about it but, miss you loads braah salaam 🙂 Wass Life can move fast but we slow down for … Continue reading H2Mo

East Scotland, Day 2: lomond hills

WHAT A DAY! WOW! That felt tremendous. I don't think epic quite caps it despite the elements of thrill, but maybe mesmerising, especially when I recall the early morning sunrise + serenity simmering throughout my hike. I have had my eye on these hills for a while and for good reason! Spectacular views sweeping far … Continue reading East Scotland, Day 2: lomond hills