Check-in: Calais to Eryri

I can't remember the last full weekend I had completely off, to myself, where I was free to do what I liked. I want to reflect, I want to write. So much has happened since I wrote about my stunning stint in CHUB 8 months ago (read more). Despite it being my last entry, I've … Continue reading Check-in: Calais to Eryri


H2Mo Hey was hope you good, your probs really busy with studies, so hope your okay, I broke, I broke up with my gf just to let you know, not really in the mood for talking about it but, miss you loads braah salaam 🙂 Wass Life can move fast but we slow down for … Continue reading H2Mo

Check-in: Welsh 3000s for Eid

It feels like it's been too long since I wrote. Heck, right now all I want to do is write + recite. Let the words breathe and flow through me. Just express, create, and paint pictures with words. Blow out all the tension, energy, ideas, hunger, and ambition bubbling beneath. What is fresh on my … Continue reading Check-in: Welsh 3000s for Eid

East Scotland, Day 2: lomond hills

WHAT A DAY! WOW! That felt tremendous. I don't think epic quite caps it despite the elements of thrill, but maybe mesmerising, especially when I recall the early morning sunrise + serenity simmering throughout my hike. I have had my eye on these hills for a while and for good reason! Spectacular views sweeping far … Continue reading East Scotland, Day 2: lomond hills

East Scotland, Day 1: scotch corner to perth (via high cup nick)

Scotch Corner Have you ever heard of Scotch Corner before? Off the bat it sounds cool. I had come across this place on road signs previously but never knew its history + significance. In essence it is a junctional nodal point in North Yorkshire, with exits towards the Yorkshire Dales, the Lake District and Western … Continue reading East Scotland, Day 1: scotch corner to perth (via high cup nick)

East Scotland: Day 0

My relationship with Scotland Intense events + experiences can foster connections flowing with many meanings and memories that shape who we are. My history with Scotland is thus worthy of being deemed a relationship as it continues to fill me with immense ambition + drive, instil me with an evolving sense of purpose + belonging, … Continue reading East Scotland: Day 0

Living the Lakes, Day 2: wansfell (via troutbeck tongue)

Ah, so it begins! Have you ever come across the concept of tolerance in the context of recreational drugs? Completely random I know, but it's relevant so keep following me through. When someone reaches tolerance of a drug, it no longer has the desired effect and outcome. I dislike what I'm about to say as … Continue reading Living the Lakes, Day 2: wansfell (via troutbeck tongue)