Check-in: Calais to Eryri

I can't remember the last full weekend I had completely off, to myself, where I was free to do what I liked. I want to reflect, I want to write. So much has happened since I wrote about my stunning stint in CHUB 8 months ago (read more). Despite it being my last entry, I've … Continue reading Check-in: Calais to Eryri

London Ambulance Service, Clinical Hub (LAS CHUB): C2 Validation Pilot

OVERVIEW I re-joined London Ambulance Service (LAS) in November 2022 to work in their Clinical Hub (CHUB), which is part of their control room known as the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). As a Clinical Advisor Paramedic I performed telephone triage and clinical assessments of 999 and 111 calls assorted by Emergency Call Handlers to help … Continue reading London Ambulance Service, Clinical Hub (LAS CHUB): C2 Validation Pilot

The Elephant on the Road: Emotions in Paramedic Practice

Another live webinar, more great feedback from attendees, further impact made. I should be pleased right? I hosted + presented an hour long session with the College of Paramedics on Monday 30th January 2023 to a live online audience. I was punctual, professional, and a lot of the feedback received labelled the content powerful. But … Continue reading The Elephant on the Road: Emotions in Paramedic Practice

College of Paramedics National Conference 2022

Last week I presented my own research at a professional conference for the very first time. I have no idea yet about how many people were in attendance. Nevertheless, it was an enthralling experience despite the 'black hole' feeling of presenting virtually. I forgot how much I thrive off public speaking, and I am hungry … Continue reading College of Paramedics National Conference 2022

Emotions in Prehospital Paediatric Care

The first cardiac arrest I attended as a Student Paramedic in my first year was a paediatric cardiac arrest. The experience taught me much about myself, the colleagues I worked with, but more importantly, the sheer power and influence of emotions in healthcare. Why is it that children and young people stir such intense passion … Continue reading Emotions in Prehospital Paediatric Care